Kyung Mo Koo

Kyung Mo Koo

Adjunct Professor

Doctor of Philosophy in Intercultural Studies

Grace College

Master of Theology in World Mission and Evangelism

Asbury Theological Seminary

Master of Sacred Theology

Pittsburgh Theological Seminary

Master of Arts in Theological Studies

Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary

Master of Divinity

Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary

Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy

Han Nam University

Dr. Koo researches on cross-cultural communication in missionary work by investigating effective strategies and barriers to communication when sharing the message of evangelism in diverse cultural contexts.  Dr. Koo also works on exploring the process of adapting missionary practices, methodologies, and approaches to fit specific cultural contexts and religious beliefs.  You may read Dr. Koo’s researches on Sophia: International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, Metaphysical Theology, and Ethics, Heythrop Journal: A Quarterly Review of Philosophy and Theology, and at Philosophia Christi: A Journal of Christian Philosophy. At WCU, Dr. Koo teaches topics like Cultural Adaptation in Mission, Interreligious Dialogue and Evangelism, and Contextualization of Gospel Messages.